The Perfect Time...

The Perfect Time...

Let's get straight to the point...If you wait for the perfect conditions - emotions, weather...

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Let's get straight to the point...

If you wait for the perfect conditions - emotions, weather, circumstances, etc. - you will never accomplish anything.

Harsh? Sure.

True? Absolutely.

Think through your week and count the number of times that you refused to do something for any given reason.

It could be procrastination, circumstances, thoughts, emotions - it doesn't matter.

What do 99.9% of those decisions come down to?

Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.

The harsh truth (or I guess 2nd harsh truth) is this:

Our lives are full of uncertainty, adversity, and chaos. Therefore, the ONLY perfect time to do something is now.

Not tomorrow. Not later tonight. Not when it is sunny outside. Not in 30 days. Not any time but NOW.

We are emotional beings. There will never be a perfect time to act based on your emotional state.

We are also imperfect beings. There will never be a perfect time to act based on "perfect" circumstances.

The perfect time is now. It is the moment you make perfect.

As they say, "The perfect time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

The perfect time to make the phone call is now.

The perfect time to start the business is now.

The perfect time to invest in your future is now.

The perfect time to take the trip is now.

Take advantage of now because later might not be an option.

This is a reminder to be impatient with action and patient with results.

Get after it,



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